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HomeNewsPersonal electronics banned from Alberta classrooms in the fall

Personal electronics banned from Alberta classrooms in the fall

From September, students across Alberta can no longer use their mobile devices during class time.

On Monday, June 17, the province announced personal electronics will be banned from classrooms during class time. The ban on personal electronic devices will be implemented in kindergarten to grade 12 classrooms and limit access to social media. Minister of Education, Demetrios Nicolaides says the changes stem from the concern provincial leaders have heard about the impact of phones on classrooms.

“We’re taking a measured approach to protecting students by restricting personal mobile devices during instructional time to reduce distractions and bullying, maximize learning time, and support student mental health,” Nicolaides says.

Alberta Teachers Association president Jason Shilling says the association is happy to see this announcement and the focus on keeping students focused on their studies.

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“Teachers and school leaders look forward to having the support of government and school boards as they implement this new policy,” Schilling says.

Over the summer, school divisions across the province will need to develop policies with the exceptions of how these schools will manage the consequences of non-compliance.

Students who use their devices for medical or educational reasons will be exempt from the ban.

Written by: Kass Patterson – Vista Radio

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